Friday, April 1, 2011

New Intimate Partner Violence Report

Make Intimate partner violence a priority for LGBTIQ Health Week. Posted at

"Why it Matters: Rethinking Victim Assistance for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer
Victims of Hate Violence & Intimate Partner Violence"  A Joint Policy Report by the National Center for Victims of Crime and the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs is available at

This report makes recommendations and ultimately proposes collaboration between mainstream victim
assistance agencies and LGBTQ-specific anti-violence programs to increase the efficacy and equity of
services provided to LGBTQ victims of crime, particularly hate violence and intimate partner violence.
The recommended strategies will be effective only when supported by the necessary changes in laws and
policies to provide LGBTQ victims of crime with equal access to victims’ rights and services.

The National Center for Victims of Crime and the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs make the
following recommendations:

1. Build collaboration among LGBTQ anti-violence programs and mainstream victim assistance
providers to increase the availability of culturally competent services for LGBTQ victims of crime
by providing LGBTQ-specific training for criminal and civil justice system personnel and victim
assistance providers.

2. Assess and evaluate the implementation of state and federal protections for victims of crime and
implement policy and legislative changes to assure that LGBTQ victims have equal access to protections.

3. Increase public awareness of the extent and impact of victimization against LGBTQ individuals
and communities and on crime victims’ rights and services through national and local public
awareness, education, and outreach campaigns.

4. Increase state and federal funding for collaboration, training, outreach, services, research, and
data collection on the victimization of LGBTQ people.

About This Report
The National Center and NCAVP began this collaborative survey and report to gain a better understanding
of the victim services provided to LGBTQ victims of crime throughout the United States. The focus
of this joint policy report is on the crimes of hate violence and intimate partner violence against LGBTQ
people, because these are the crimes that are most reported to NCVAP programs. This report confirms
that gaps in services for LGBTQ victims of violence exist and shows the need for culturally competent
service provision through LGBTQ and mainstream service providers’ collaboration. These gaps in services
compromise the safety of LGBTQ individuals, families, and communities.

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