June 27 is National HIV Testing Day
National HIV Testing
Day (NHTD) is an annual campaign to encourage people of all ages to
"Take the Test, Take Control."
Too many people don't know they have HIV. In the United States, nearly 1.1 million people are living with HIV, and almost one in five don't know they are infected. Getting tested is the first step to finding out if you have HIV. If you have HIV, getting medical care and taking medicines regularly helps you live a longer, healthier life and also lowers the chances of passing HIV on to others. Find a local testing location here
Reposted at,
This is a resource for members of the LGBTIQ Community and allies. I hope that this helps others who are seeking resources and support that they have not found in their geographical community. This is a private blog and not affiliated with any organization or company. Be Sure to check back to the static pages, as I add new resources frequently. Here are some resources to help you.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Thursday, June 27 is National HIV Testing Day
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Hector Vargas on Supreme Court Rulings
Note from Hecor Vargas, Executive Director GLMA , reposted at,
In two separate rulings today, the US
Supreme Court opened the doors for legally married same-sex couples to be
treated equally under federal law and re-opened the doors for loving and
committed same-sex couples in California to marry.
GLMA joins with the entire LGBT community in celebration of equality and renews our commitment to ensure that every same-sex couple in this country, regardless of where they live, will one day enjoy the freedom to marry.
GLMA joins with the entire LGBT community in celebration of equality and renews our commitment to ensure that every same-sex couple in this country, regardless of where they live, will one day enjoy the freedom to marry.
I was
lucky enough to be in the courtroom today as these decisions were released,
and I couldn’t help but feel strong pulls of joy and pride as Justice Anthony
Kennedy read from his opinion overturning DOMA (the so-called Defense of
Marriage Act), speaking about the dignity of same-sex couples and their
children and the very real harms DOMA inflicted on them. Justice Kennedy wrote that DOMA “undermines both the public and private significance of state-sanctioned same-sex marriages; for it tells these couples, and all the world, that otherwise valid marriages are unworthy of federal recognition.” |
![]() |
In his opinion, Justice Kennedy alluded to the social stability that marriage affords and also noted how—in very tangible terms—the law prevented married couples from receiving federal healthcare benefits and raised the cost of healthcare for families by taxing health benefits employers provided to same-sex spouses of employees.
In addition to overturning DOMA, the Supreme Court let stand a federal district court ruling that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional allowing marriage of same-sex couples to resume in the state of California.
I’m proud of the hard work of the many LGBT people and organizations across the country who made this possible —especially the ACLU and the American Foundation for Equal Rights, who brought the cases decided today. I’m also proud of the role that each of you, as GLMA members, played in this historic victory.
Through GLMA’s friend-of-the-court briefs, submitted to the Supreme Court in March, we provided your expertise as health professionals to the nation’s highest court and joined a chorus of organizations and individuals in support of marriage equality.
Through these briefs, GLMA stood up for LGBT equality and the freedom to marry as critical issues that affect the health and well-being of LGBT people and their families.
While we celebrate this victory today, you and I both know there is still much work to be done. The repeal of DOMA and marriage equality will play a significant role in helping to strengthen our community, but it is not a silver bullet.
With renewed spirit from this victory, GLMA will continue our quest for LGBT health equality. Our work encompasses the philosophy that not only is LGBT health a civil rights issue, but also that issues of LGBT equality, such as marriage, have a significant impact on LGBT health.
Your support has helped us reach this pivotal moment in the movement for LGBT equality, and so I thank you and look forward to continuing our work together to achieve our goal of healthcare equality for LGBT people.
Victory! U.S. Supreme Court Restores Marriage Equity to CA
The Supreme Court has dismissed AFER's case against Prop. 8, Hollingsworth v. Perry, because the Proponents of Prop. 8 lack standing. Today’s decision makes permanent the landmark Federal District Court ruling that found Prop. 8 unconstitutional. Gay and lesbian couples will be able to marry in California once the District Court’s judgment takes effect.
And, because the Supreme Court also ruled in United States v. Windsor that the so-called Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional, the marriages of gay and lesbian couples in states with marriage equality—including California—will now be recognized by the federal government.
Click here to read the decisions and to watch a live stream of our press conference from the steps of the Supreme Court.
Because of our efforts together, California joins 12 other states and our nation’s capital in recognizing the fundamental right of gay and lesbian couples to marry. As the nation’s most populous state, California substantially increases the number of Americans—approximately 94 million people, or 30 percent of the United States population—who live in a state with marriage equality.
Moreover, AFER and our case against Prop. 8 have accelerated a national discussion about love and equality. Since we embarked on our journey four years ago, we have seen an unprecedented increase in public support. More than 30 national polls now show that a majority of Americans—as high as 58% of the nation—support marriage for gay and lesbian couples. That support comes from Americans of all partisan and ideological stripes—Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals alike. Marriage equality is now an American value.
Posted by Adam D. Umhoefer, Executive Director, American Foundation for Equal Rights
Reposted at,
Friday, June 21, 2013
Ending LGBT Youth Homelessness: A Call to Action
Looks like another great webinar from our colleagues at the Technical Assistance Partnership for Child and Family Mental Health. Mark it down on your calendar Network faithful!- Ending LGBT Youth Homelessness: A Call to Action
- July 10, 2013 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM EDT
- Click here to register, or copy and paste the following link into your browser:
- Description:
Too many youth become homeless each year. Youth who are LGBT are significantly overrepresented in homeless youth populations. These same youth are also more likely to experience stigma associated with their sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, trauma, and disparities in accessing resources from human service systems.
This webinar will: 1) highlight issues contributing to homelessness among LGBT youth; 2) showcase the Forty to None Project, a national program of the True Colors Fund (co-founded by Cyndi Lauper) that is working to end LGBT youth homelessness; 3) describe strategies to reduce homelessness among LGBT youth and provide trauma-informed care to them; and 4) share lessons learned from the field. - Presenters:
- Jeffrey Poirier, Senior Researcher, American Institutes for Research (AIR); TA Partnership Cultural and Linguistic Competence Community of Practice LGBTQI2-S Learning Community Lead
- Christina Murphy, Director of Communications, AIR and the National Center on Family Homelessness
- Jama Shelton, Director, Forty to None Project, True Colors Fund
- Simon Costello, Associate Director, L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, Children, Youth & Family Services
California Elected Officials Who Have Taken a Stand for Health
73 state and local officials signed statements that they would not accept tobacco industry contributions
Reposted at, SAN FRANCISCO, CA – The California LGBT Tobacco Education Partnership (LGBT Partnership) today released its “Clean Money” list of state and local elected officials who have agreed to refuse tobacco industry contributions. Each official signed a statement that he or she would not accept donations from tobacco companies or distributors.
Tobacco use, according to the World
Health Organization, is responsible for nearly six million deaths in the world
each year. “Many elected officials told us that they don’t want to have
anything to do with the tobacco companies”, said Bob Gordon, member of the San
Francisco Tobacco Free Coalition and Project Director of the LGBT Partnership.
“They understand the terrible costs we all pay in terms of damaged health, lost
productivity and shortened lives.” According to the national organization
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, in California alone, the tobacco industry
spends a half billion dollars every year to market itself, while Californians
are left to shoulder $9.1 Billion annually in health care costs directly
attributable to tobacco use.
Elected officials joined the
signature campaign for several reasons. In a survey conducted by an outside
evaluator, several officeholders indicated that the opportunity to sign the
statement aligned with their interests. One indicated “This is a good
opportunity for legislators to stand out in a positive way”. One staff member,
before meeting with advocates, learned for the first time details about how the
tobacco industry targets vulnerable populations “how it advertises to African
Americans, Latinos, LGBTs, Asian Americans, and to a degree, to young
kids—particularly disturbing”.
A full list of elected officials who
have signed a no-tobacco statement is available at
About the California LGBT Tobacco
Education Partnership The California Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
and Transgender Tobacco Education is funded by California’s Tobacco Control
Program. The LGBT Partnership advocates for policies limiting tobacco
industry donations and reducing the availability of tobacco.
LGBT-related policies the AMA HOD passed this week
Letter from GLMA executive Director, Hector Vargas, reposted at, On Monday, GLMA President Desi Bailey and I shared the exciting news that GLMA was voted into the AMA House of Delegates (HOD). I wanted to take this opportunity to follow-up with you to share some of the LGBT-related policies the AMA HOD passed this week:
GLMA actively worked with the AMA’s GLBT Advisory Committee to support these
policies, and I want to take this opportunity to thank the committee members
for their leadership and cooperation. We look forward to a continued strong
partnership together.
GLMA’s work at the AMA Annual Meeting this past week is just one example of how GLMA’s relationships with other health professional associations can have a significant impact on LGBT health. Because of our longstanding relationship with the LBGT PA Caucus, earlier this month, GLMA President-Elect Henry Ng and I were invited guests at the Annual Conference of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, which has adopted a number of policies supporting LGBT health. GLMA is also developing and strengthening relationships with a number of nursing associations through the development of this September’s GLMA Nursing Summit, designed to develop a roadmap for nursing on LGBT health. As we begin a new chapter in our relationship with the AMA, GLMA looks forward to continuing to strengthen our relationships with other health professional associations to ensure that LGBT health issues are being addressed by all health professionals. We are proud of our multidisciplinary membership and have a deep understanding of the vital role associations from across the health professions play in improving the health and well-being of LGBT individuals. Thank you for your continued support of our work. |
Warning about Blog spam
Please read this important information about blog spam.
If you notice another Blogger site by the name of www . kmzackblogger . com in your referrals, know that it is a blog setup to get you to pay for better YouTube video placement. It showed up on the blog I just started for my grandmother's diaries, so I was curious enough to check it out.
www . bthemes . info
This looks somewhat legitimate in that it has themes for Blogger. But the fact they use referral spam makes them look quite shady. I don't advise using them for that alone.
vampirestat and zombiestat
These are run by the same people using the same templates with different graphics and purport to show the monetary worth of websites. Do not go there.
Yet another referral spammer on Blogger showed up with 11 page views on February 28.
make-money-with-your-blog . review-blogspot . com is another get rich quick scheme making the rounds. "Mary" even has a short bit on the page about people reporting her blog is a scam and that she has "the approval of Blogger." Of course there is only the one post containing a shortened link.
Avoid at all costs.
Reposted at,
Please read this important information about blog spam.
If you notice another Blogger site by the name of www . kmzackblogger . com in your referrals, know that it is a blog setup to get you to pay for better YouTube video placement. It showed up on the blog I just started for my grandmother's diaries, so I was curious enough to check it out.
www . bthemes . info
This looks somewhat legitimate in that it has themes for Blogger. But the fact they use referral spam makes them look quite shady. I don't advise using them for that alone.
vampirestat and zombiestat
These are run by the same people using the same templates with different graphics and purport to show the monetary worth of websites. Do not go there.
Yet another referral spammer on Blogger showed up with 11 page views on February 28.
make-money-with-your-blog . review-blogspot . com is another get rich quick scheme making the rounds. "Mary" even has a short bit on the page about people reporting her blog is a scam and that she has "the approval of Blogger." Of course there is only the one post containing a shortened link.
Avoid at all costs.
Reposted at,
GLAMA Accepted into AMA House of Delegates
It is our pleasure to share with you the news that today, the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates voted to accept GLMA into its membership. This is an exciting accomplishment that signals greater understanding and recognition within the mainstream healthcare community about the LGBT community’s unique healthcare needs. This is a moment to celebrate together. As with all of GLMA’s accomplishments, our members have made this possible. Numerous efforts of GLMA members past and present have helped GLMA develop strong ties to the AMA, especially the AMA GLBT Advisory Committee—which has included members of GLMA’s leadership since its inception in 2005. Additionally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our members who are also members of the AMA, whose membership in both organizations helped us meet a key requirement to joining the AMA House of Delegates. This is a shared victory! Joining the AMA House of Delegates provides GLMA with an opportunity to share the expertise of our members with the largest physician group in America to inform the development of policies around LGBT health. Yesterday, GLMA provided testimony to the AMA in support of several such resolutions that are important to LGBT people and people living with HIV. It is our hope that by joining the AMA House of Delegates and taking advantage of opportunities like this, we will be able to leverage the strength of the AMA’s support and influence to improve the health and well-being of LGBT people. With your continued support, we will maximize our seat in the House of Delegates and diligently work towards LGBT healthcare equality. |
In Equality,
![]() Desi Bailey, MD President |
![]() Hector Vargas , JD Executive Director |
![]() P.S. GLMA is only as strong as our membership. Your membership and contributions are invaluable to advance GLMA’s mission and sustain progress towards LGBT health equality. If you are not a member or your membership has lapsed, please join or renew your membership today. If you are already a member, give a tax-deductible donation to continue our momentum towards LGBT health equality.
Letter reposted at,
NIH Takes Important Steps for LGBT Health
Article by Dr. Scout, Director, Network for
LGBT Health Equity
At The Fenway Institute, reposted at,
A year ago I wrote a HuffPost blog post decrying the apparent stall in LGBT research integration at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Now I'm happy to say NIH is moving forward with good speed on this topic.
Why is NIH integration of LGBT health research important? Because health research is the only way we'll find answers to the persistent health disparities we see across the LGBT population. Why do we smoke cigarettes at rates that are 68-percent higher than the general population? Can we do anything to protect against the spike in mental health problems after negative legislation is passed in our states? How can transgender people be assured of welcoming health care? What can be done about the high level of social isolation that LGBT elders report? And what can be done about the horrific LGBT youth suicide rates? If data tells the story of our lives, then research is the first step in writing happier endings.
In 2011, the Institute of Medicine released a historic report, "The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People." In it they reviewed the scientific evidence, identified research gaps, and outlined steps to assist NIH in enhancing its efforts in this area. One of the positive steps NIH has since taken in the last year is to finally release a response to this report... Read the rest here:
At The Fenway Institute, reposted at,
A year ago I wrote a HuffPost blog post decrying the apparent stall in LGBT research integration at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Now I'm happy to say NIH is moving forward with good speed on this topic.
Why is NIH integration of LGBT health research important? Because health research is the only way we'll find answers to the persistent health disparities we see across the LGBT population. Why do we smoke cigarettes at rates that are 68-percent higher than the general population? Can we do anything to protect against the spike in mental health problems after negative legislation is passed in our states? How can transgender people be assured of welcoming health care? What can be done about the high level of social isolation that LGBT elders report? And what can be done about the horrific LGBT youth suicide rates? If data tells the story of our lives, then research is the first step in writing happier endings.
In 2011, the Institute of Medicine released a historic report, "The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People." In it they reviewed the scientific evidence, identified research gaps, and outlined steps to assist NIH in enhancing its efforts in this area. One of the positive steps NIH has since taken in the last year is to finally release a response to this report... Read the rest here:
Monday, June 17, 2013
GLMA Conference Program and Webinar
summer, GLMA continues our commitment to increasing cultural competence in
healthcare through professional education:
The preliminary
program for GLMA’s 31st Annual Conference is now available! GLMA’s Annual
Conference (September 18-21, 2013) is the premier scientific meeting on
LGBT health, attended by over 400 health professionals from across the
country (and around the world). Click
here to register and download the preliminary program.- Save-the-Date for Part 3 of our
four-part Webinar
Quality Healthcare
for LGBT People. Part 3: Clinical Skills for the Care of Transgender
Individuals will take place on July 11, 2013, from 3:00
– 4:30pm (EST).
If you are not a member, join GLMA today! Your membership allows us to provide programs like the cultural competence webinar series and the Annual Conference, which are vital to improving the health and well-being of the LGBT community. GLMA Members not only support our work, but receive benefits, like a discount on registration!
If you are a member, consider making an additional contribution to support these and other critical GLMA efforts. You can also make a donation to the student scholarship fund when you register for the conference.
This is an exciting time for GLMA and LGBT health, and we hope you will join us and be a part of it all!
Reposted at,
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
LGBT Cancer Survivors' Voices Spotlight Cracks in Health CarE SYSTEM
The National LGBT Cancer Network released a new report today
that uses the direct experiences of cancer survivors to paint a stark picture
of the effect of discrimination on LGBT health. The free, downloadable booklet,
“LGBT Patient Centered Outcomes,” uses the findings to suggest practical
recommendations for improving health care for LGBT people.
“When we asked cancer survivors to tell us what they wanted health care providers to know, we were saddened, angered and moved by many of their stories; cancer is enough of a burden, no one should have to endure the discrimination, alienation, and, in some cases, less than adequate care because of who they are,” said Liz Margolies, Executive Director of the National LGBT Cancer Network. “For many of the survey respondents, cancer treatment is both the same, and scarier.”
Go to the sites below to access this report and full article.
The National LGBT Cancer Network works to improve the lives of LGBT cancer survivors and those at risk by: educating the LGBT community about our increased cancer risks and the importance of screening and early detection; training health care providers to offer more culturally-competent, safe and welcoming care; and advocating for LGBT survivors in mainstream cancer organizations, the media and research. For more information, visit
The Network for LGBT Health Equity is a community-driven network of advocates and professionals looking to enhance LGBT health by eliminating tobacco use and other health disparities by linking people and information. The Network is a project of The Fenway Institute in Boston. The Fenway Institute at Fenway Health is an interdisciplinary center for research, training, education and policy development focusing on national and international health issues. For more information visit and
“When we asked cancer survivors to tell us what they wanted health care providers to know, we were saddened, angered and moved by many of their stories; cancer is enough of a burden, no one should have to endure the discrimination, alienation, and, in some cases, less than adequate care because of who they are,” said Liz Margolies, Executive Director of the National LGBT Cancer Network. “For many of the survey respondents, cancer treatment is both the same, and scarier.”
Go to the sites below to access this report and full article.
The National LGBT Cancer Network works to improve the lives of LGBT cancer survivors and those at risk by: educating the LGBT community about our increased cancer risks and the importance of screening and early detection; training health care providers to offer more culturally-competent, safe and welcoming care; and advocating for LGBT survivors in mainstream cancer organizations, the media and research. For more information, visit
The Network for LGBT Health Equity is a community-driven network of advocates and professionals looking to enhance LGBT health by eliminating tobacco use and other health disparities by linking people and information. The Network is a project of The Fenway Institute in Boston. The Fenway Institute at Fenway Health is an interdisciplinary center for research, training, education and policy development focusing on national and international health issues. For more information visit and
Reposted at,
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
“It Gets Better Project Columbus”
The Columbus Division of Police and Columbus College of Art and Design are proud to announce the premiere of an original "It Gets Better" anti-bullying video. The video will be used as a public service announcement on the Division's website and features several sworn and civilian CPD employees.
Our mission was to create a video that paralleled those videos already created for "It Gets Better.” By working together, we hope to change the landscape of bullying in our community. We are hopeful that this collaborative effort will continue and will result in additional videos or announcements about anti-bullying in Columbus.
June 2013 SAGE Newsletter Notes
Reposted at,
Celebrating Pride: SAGE Is Here
It’s Pride month, and this year, SAGE has many victories to celebrate. As President Obama stated in his official declaration of June as Pride month, “Support for LGBT equality is growing, led by a generation which understands that, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., ‘injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’” This past year, we’ve seen the introduction of the LGBT Elder Americans Act of 2012 in Congress, an 83-year-old activist take a case for marriage equality all the way to the Supreme Court, and much more. We still have a long way to go, but SAGE will be there every step of the way to ensure that LGBT older people are at the forefront of the fight for equality. So this month, join us in our celebrations around the country:
SAGE will be marching in the
annual Pride Parade in New York
City on June 30. Edie Windsor, longtime SAGE volunteer leader and
plaintiff in the Supreme Court case challenging the Defense of Marriage
Act, will be this year’s Grand Marshal.It’s Pride month, and this year, SAGE has many victories to celebrate. As President Obama stated in his official declaration of June as Pride month, “Support for LGBT equality is growing, led by a generation which understands that, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., ‘injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’” This past year, we’ve seen the introduction of the LGBT Elder Americans Act of 2012 in Congress, an 83-year-old activist take a case for marriage equality all the way to the Supreme Court, and much more. We still have a long way to go, but SAGE will be there every step of the way to ensure that LGBT older people are at the forefront of the fight for equality. So this month, join us in our celebrations around the country:
- SAGE affiliates across the
country are planning a variety of Pride events for LGBT elders and allies.
For a list of affiliates and more information, visit SAGENet.
- SAGE is proud to support Harlem Pride again this year! Join the celebration at Jackie Robinson Park and make sure to drop by our table to learn more about SAGE Harlem.
a full listing of upcoming SAGE Pride events, visit our site.
SAGE and Freedom to Marry Host DC Marriage Event
When: June 10, 2013, 9:00 – 10:30 am Where: National Press Club, Washington DC
With a Supreme Court decision expected this month in two marriage cases, Freedom to Marry and SAGE will present a panel on the harms of the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act on older same-sex couples. The panel will include leaders, experts, and LGBT seniors telling their stories of harm. Under DOMA, married same-sex couples are denied more than 1,100 protections and responsibilities automatically afforded to other married couples, including Social Security survivor benefits, access to health care and family leave, the ability to pool resources without adverse tax treatment, parenting rights, and familial status for immigration purposes. Visit the SAGE Events page for more information on this important event. To attend, please RSVP to
SAGE Joins 33 Other LGBT
Organizations in Pledge to Fight HIV/AIDS
On June 3, to mark Pride Month, executive directors from 34 LGBT and HIV/AIDS organizations from across the United States released a joint letter committing themselves and their organizations to re-engaging the broader LGBT community in the fight against HIV. SAGE is proud to join this effort and support the rapidly growing numbers of older people who are living with HIV/AIDS. Today, approximately 28% of people living with HIV in the U.S. are over 50. By 2017 that number is projected to grow to 50%. In addition, it is estimated that 15% of all new HIV infections occur in people over 50. And the available data clearly documents that the AIDS epidemic has disproportionately affected men who have sex with men, gay and bisexual men, people of color and transgender people of all ages, including elders. Read the letter at the SAGE Blog, and then visit the site We the LGBT to pledge your support for achieving the vision of an AIDS-free generation.
On June 3, to mark Pride Month, executive directors from 34 LGBT and HIV/AIDS organizations from across the United States released a joint letter committing themselves and their organizations to re-engaging the broader LGBT community in the fight against HIV. SAGE is proud to join this effort and support the rapidly growing numbers of older people who are living with HIV/AIDS. Today, approximately 28% of people living with HIV in the U.S. are over 50. By 2017 that number is projected to grow to 50%. In addition, it is estimated that 15% of all new HIV infections occur in people over 50. And the available data clearly documents that the AIDS epidemic has disproportionately affected men who have sex with men, gay and bisexual men, people of color and transgender people of all ages, including elders. Read the letter at the SAGE Blog, and then visit the site We the LGBT to pledge your support for achieving the vision of an AIDS-free generation.
BRAVO Alert for the Safety LGBTQ Community of Central Ohio
is Issuing the Following Alert for the Safety of the
LGBT Community of Central Ohio
LGBT Community of Central Ohio
Reposted at,
BRAVO has recently received multiple reports of anti-LGBTQ hate crimes. The incidents have occurred in the vicinity of LGBT establishments both in the Short North area and on the South side. Several of the incidents have involved both physical assault and robbery. BRAVO has good reason to believe that these attacks are anti-LGBTQ motivated.
According to Gloria McCauley, BRAVO Executive Director, "BRAVO believes that these incidents underscore the importance of a renewed discussion and action on hate crimes against LGBTQ people. Sadly, we know that hate violence is intended to send a message of hate and to instill fear throughout the entire community. Hate crimes are largely under-reported or not reported at all, and people are left feeling alone and vulnerable. BRAVO is a great resource – we are asking people to call and report – we can help."
It is Gay Pride season and BRAVO wants everyone to have a fun and safe Pride! Be alert, walk in groups, walk each other to your cars and be aware of your surroundings. Additional safety tips are available on our website. Or scan the QR Code

For further information BRAVO can be reached at
614-294-7867 or 866-86-BRAVO.
All reports to BRAVO are confidential and may be made anonymously. All BRAVO services are free.
Don’t take it. Report it.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
ACT NOW: Support Policies on Change of Birth Certificates for Transgender Individuals
During its meeting in June, the American Medical Association House of Delegates
will consider two different resolutions that the AMA “support policies that
allow for a change of sex designation on birth certificates for transgender
individuals based on verification” of a healthcare provider that an individual
has undergone gender transition according to “applicable medical standards of
care.” The vast majority of states require proof of sex reassignment surgery or
sterilization for birth certificate changes, which is a significant barrier for
transgender people and contrary to the World Professional Association for
Transgender Health Standards of Care.
GLMA President Desi Bailey will be attending the AMA Annual Meeting and will lend GLMA’s support to these resolutions along with allies and supportive colleagues within the AMA, including the AMA’s GLBT Advisory Committee.
If you are a member of the AMA, please consider posting online testimony in support of these resolutions. Log in to the AMA website and look for "Res 004-Conforming Birth Certificate Policies to Current Medical Standards for Transgender Patients" and "Res 005-Conforming Birth Certificate Policies to Current Medical Standards for Transgender Patients," which are part of Virtual Reference Committee CCB. Be sure to include that:
GLMA President Desi Bailey will be attending the AMA Annual Meeting and will lend GLMA’s support to these resolutions along with allies and supportive colleagues within the AMA, including the AMA’s GLBT Advisory Committee.
If you are a member of the AMA, please consider posting online testimony in support of these resolutions. Log in to the AMA website and look for "Res 004-Conforming Birth Certificate Policies to Current Medical Standards for Transgender Patients" and "Res 005-Conforming Birth Certificate Policies to Current Medical Standards for Transgender Patients," which are part of Virtual Reference Committee CCB. Be sure to include that:
- As an AMA and GLMA member, you support
Resolutions 004 and 005;
- An accurate birth certificate is a
matter of life and health for transgender people; and
- The prevailing and widely recognized
Standards of Care for transgender people, published by the World
Professional Association for Transgender Health, recognize that sex
reassignment surgery or sterilization should not be required to change a
person’s sex designation on a birth certificate.
deadline for posting testimony is June 2.
You can also show your support by liking and sharing GLMA’s post on this topic on Facebook.
Thank you for your action to support the health and well-being of the LGBT community!
PS – If you are also attending the AMA Annual Meeting or will be in Chicago on June 15, please join us for a GLMA in Chicago reception.
You can also show your support by liking and sharing GLMA’s post on this topic on Facebook.
Thank you for your action to support the health and well-being of the LGBT community!
PS – If you are also attending the AMA Annual Meeting or will be in Chicago on June 15, please join us for a GLMA in Chicago reception.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Cultural Competency and LGBT Health Disparities: Identifying Barriers and Tailoring Strategies
June 18th, 2013, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET
and improving the health, safety, and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LGBT) individuals is a growing public health concern and is a goal
for Healthy People 2020. The June National Cancer Institute (NCI) Research to
Reality cyber-seminar will explore several health disparities this
population faces across the cancer continuum. Join us as we feature research,
programs, and resources designed to assess and address cancer health
disparities facing sexual minorities.Dr. Jose Bauermeister from the University of Michigan will share an overview of the issue and highlight outcomes from the Michigan Smoking and Sexuality study. This cross-sectional, observational study examined the psychosocial correlates associated with female youth's smoking behaviors in Michigan. The findings are informing the development of a tailored smoking cessation program for this population.
Liz Margolies, Founder and Executive Director of the National LGBT Cancer Network will focus on the LGBT population’s access to patient-centered care. The session will also highlight a new cultural competency booklet, “LGBT Patient-Centered Outcomes: Cancer Survivors Teach Us How To Improve Care For All." Ms. Margolies" will discuss how cultural competency is a key tool for closing the disparities gap in health care and her experiences implementing this training curriculum.
The final part of the webinar will be dedicated to Q&A and discussion and will offer an opportunity to engage with the presenters, and also to share your own experiences and thoughts.
Speakers: |
![]() |
![]() |
Bauermeister, PhD, MPH Assistant Professor, University of Michigan School of Public Health; Director of the Center for Sexuality & Health Disparities |
Margolies, LCSW Founder and Executive Director, National LGBT Cancer Network |
Register Now!
Please click on the following link for more information and to register for this event:
Following registration, you will receive a confirmation email with the toll free number, web URL, and participant passcode. This cyber-seminar will be archived on the Research to Reality (R2R) web site at approximately one week following the presentation.
Cyber-Seminar Archive
IIf you have missed any of the previous cyber-seminars, you can view them all on the R2R Archive. Watch the presentations, and join in the discussions.
Reposted at, and
Incorporating LGBTQ Victims’ Needs Into Mainstream Victim Services
June 5, 2013—Join an Online Discussion
Incorporating LGBTQ Victims’ Needs Into Mainstream Victim Services |
On June 5, 2013, at 2 p.m.
(eastern time), in commemoration of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Pride Month, the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) will present a Web Forum
discussion with Robin Parker and Sharon Stapel on best practices for incorporating
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) victims’ needs into
mainstream victim services. Mr.
Parker is the Executive Director of the Beyond Diversity Resource Center
in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, and a diversity consultant committed to building
a more inclusive society through diversity education initiatives for
individuals and communities. He previously served as a deputy attorney
general for the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice; and as chief of the
New Jersey Office of the Attorney General, Department of Law and Public
Safety, Office of Bias Crime and Community Relations. Mr. Parker also is the
coauthor of the article We
Can’t Talk About This: The Trouble With Discussing Sexual Orientation, 2
Honest Conversation 1.
Stapel is the Executive Director of the New York City Anti-Violence
Project, an organization dedicated to ending hate, sexual, and intimate
partner violence affecting people who identify as LGBTQ, as well as
HIV-affected communities. Ms. Stapel is a member of the LGBT Advisory
Committee to the NYPD, as well as various national stakeholder groups that
address the inclusion of LGBTQ individuals in services provided for crime
victims and survivors at local, state, and federal levels. Ms. Stapel is the
former chair of the New York City Bar Association’s Domestic Violence
Committee and the New York City LGBTQ Domestic Violence Task Force.Visit the OVC Web Forum now at to submit questions for Mr. Parker and Ms. Stapel and return on June 5 at 2 p.m. (eastern time) for the live discussion. Go to for instructions on how to participate.
OVC's Web Forum allows
participants to tap into a national network of people with various
backgrounds who all face similar challenges and experiences. It is the
perfect place for crime victim service providers and allied professionals to
gain peer insight and support related to best practices in victim services. Please be reminded that the Web
Forum is a public domain and personal or case information should not be
OVC shares your mission and has a wide range of resources to help you accomplish it. Visit the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) online at to register for services or to find out more.
Talk to Your Dr. Webinar Offered by The Ntwork and GLMA
A new feature of the CDC's Tips From Former Smokers campaign was unveiled this week— “Talk With Your Doctor” (TWYD). The goal of this phase of the campaign is to engage health care providers and encourage them to use Tips as an opportunity to start a dialogue with their patients who smoke about quitting. It is also meant to serve as a reminder for smokers to talk with their healthcare providers about effective methods to help them quit.
As you may remember from our press release about the Tips campaign, "One of the ‘Tips from Former Smokers’ ads features a lesbian who suffers from asthma triggered by working in a smoke filled bar. Recently released data from the CDC shows that LGBT people smoke cigarettes at rates that are nearly 70% higher than the general population." This new phase of the campaign is yet another amazing way to reach out to our communities about this huge disparity!
On Thursday, June 13th, The Network will be teaming up with the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA) andCenterLink to bring you a webinar discussing the “Talk With Your Doctor” campaign, and the impact that it will have on the health of LGBT communities.
Join us at 2pm EST by registering HERE!
Reposted at, posted by The Network.
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